Sunday, April 30, 2006

Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid...

Oh, this is just deeply, deeply twisted. I'm blogging at this ungodly hour because I've got insomnia and now I'll NEVER get to sleep. Maybe if I pull the covers over my head. I thought just having Bush be President was bad enough; Bush as the first woman president is even worse. If this is sort of how some conservatives feel about Hillary then I'm beginning to understand them.

There are a couple more, of other pols, at Justaskjudy. I don't know whether she created them. I just know they trouble me and if I were a caring, gentle blogger I wouldn't inflict them on you.



Anonymous said...


Great points, and I still disagree! You wrote: this constant picking on her and the other DLC candidates not only wastes our time but is unrealistic since they are all we have at this time.

But they're NOT all we have. I've got no argument with the DLC being a large bloc in the Democratic coalition; I have a huge argument with them attempting to totally dominate it, to the extent that candidates they don't approve of don't get a fair shake in the primaries (so Dem voters never really get a choice). I disapprove of Hillary instructing donors not to give money to anyone else who might run for President in 2008. I disapprove of the DLC trying to corner the market on voter data instead of letting the DNC distribute it openly to all Democratic contenders. I dislike Hillary raising money in OREGON, for God's sake, ostensibly for her NY Senate race, then taking that money, passing it along to other DLC candidates, and therefore using regular people's money to increase her own power within the party.

The DLC operates within the party the way fundamentalists operate within churches: they're so sure they're right that they not only want freedom to think and act the way they choose to, they want to squelch any other perspectives. And they think they're doing us all a favor by doing this.

I'll put it this way: I worked for hundreds of hours on the Kerry campaign even though he was far from my favorite candidate. I was part of a volunteer vote protection lawyer's group, met with key election officials in Salem, was threatened with arrest by a local official who disliked the fact that I was advocating for voters' rights to have regular rather than provisional ballots, brought my daughters to "Kids for Kerry" meetings and did door to door canvassing. And all this despite the fact that Dean was my guy. I'm a party loyalist.

If Hillary gets the nomination, and McCain or someone like him gets the Republican nod? I'm staying home. I may even vote Republican. That's how strongly I believe that the DLC crowd is as dangerous, or even more dangerous (because, like a Fifth Column, they operate within our party), than the average Republican.

Some people think that's extreme, but the more I learn about what the DLC is really doing, the more I realize that Lieberman is not the exception, he's just the clearest example of the rule. Hillary isn't Bill lite; she's Joe lite.

DeannaHawk said...

OMG it's George Coulter or Ann Bush--either way I'm nauseous.


kenju said...

Imagine my surprise when I followed your link through my statcounter and found my link! Thanks for that. I did not create the drag photos; I got them in email. I'll be back.