And remember: win, lose or draw, we've done something over the past few days that has never, ever been done before: directed national attention, and thousands of constituent communications, at a relatively "minor" and unpublicized event, a simple closed-door committee meeting. And we haven't even begun to fight...
The Senate Intelligence Committee meeting is this afternoon at 2:30 pm ET. Here's contact info: The two swing votes are Olympia Snowe and Chuck Hagel. The bad guys are Bill Frist and Pat Roberts. The good guys are Jay Rockefeller and (hopefully!) Harry Reid. (At this point, leave Rockefeller's poor staffers alone!)
My most recent updates are here. A link to the SINGLE mainstream media reporter who caught this story yesterday is here. The motion they'll be voting on this afternoon is here. And the folks who are going to save the country -- if not this time, then the time after this, or the one after that; we're inexorable! -- those people are sitting in your chairs.
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