Sunday, March 12, 2006

No, This Is Not Precisely My Vision for the Roots Project

... but if we could turn online activism into real-world activism with this kind of energy -- sans the violence (and the spam!) -- we could change the world. From Newsweek:

Active gang members use the Web sites to communicate with each other and sometimes to pick online fights with rival gangs. What starts on the Internet can quickly spill onto the streets. Cops in Boston and Texas who broke up gang brawls in the past few years found that the altercations had been scheduled on gang Web sites....

But the Web has also given rival gangs a new, less violent way to settle scores—flooding each other's sites with junk e-mail. Stalker says he spends hours every week deleting threatening or insulting messages from other gangs from his Web site. Not even a gangster is safe from spam.



Cranky Daze said...

In the last few months I have developed a lot of faith in the bloggers. While the main stream media ignores much of the news that is important to Americans, the Internet is a great forum that allows thousands of the common folk to keep the news in front of the public. I predict that eventually the MSM will, in order to compete, clean up their act and grow a backbone. Elsewise they could face extinction.

Michael Bains said...

First let me add my "yessiree" to cranky d's comment. I'm hoping for the same.

To my point though, it's not just spam that can be ridiculous and oh so ironic. D'ya ever notice that when you post anything about religion, those Google Ads come up with some real doozyriffic site promos.

lol! Gotta love it (since you can't edit those kind of specifics.. .)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but on the other hand, a lot of the time I've been seeing a Bill Frist campaign ad pop up, too. Sometimes I wish more people would click on that one... I give the AdSense money to my ActBlue candidates, so one click makes Bill Frist contribute money to Ned Lamont! Not that I'm asking anyone to do that, I'm just mentioning the purely hypothetical irony that would arise if someone did...