Friday, February 17, 2006

Some levity...

... but only because I like you, and you've been working really hard.

Poor Harry Whittington, a living metaphor for what the Bush administration is doing to the entire nation, APOLOGIZES TO CHENEY.

(Whittington actually seems like a good guy: a Republican millionaire lawyer who hangs out with a bad crowd, sure, but apparently pretty progressive on prison reform, especially for Texas. And certainly gracious; a stand-up guy. Compared to him, Cheney looks like... well, like what he is.)

OK, back to the phones!! Hyah!!


Anonymous said...

PW: You're right. What I found funny was Whittington apologizing to Cheney, but I didn't make that clear -- which was unfunny, and unfair to the victim. One for you.

Anonymous said...

PW: Boy, you had a good point the first time around, and I appreciated it, but I think you're off base now. If Mr. Whittington believes and abides by the Scriptures you're citing, then that makes him a very good man, and probably explains why he is interested in prison reform.

Why do you think those beliefs would make him a "fanactic"?