Thursday, February 2, 2006


Later posts have buried it, but PLEASE click, and work, on the new Game Plan. We need to keep the pressure on both the good and the bad if we want to change things, or our kazillions of calls will have been wasted. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Bravo for your effort to be thankful for as much as you received. I believe that doing this will take you a long way. Not enough for the majority of the populace, but a long way none the less.

Now if only those you support can conjure up a brew of policies and actions that can be presented without embarrassment, to the public. Then you'll really have something going.

I honestly think that your next target date will be 2012, but Good luck anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yes, thanks. I'm happy to have Kerry and Kennedy in my state. I've written to thank them. I keep swinging back and forth, not with votes, with hope: one minute I'm doin' a cheer with you and I feel like they're gonna start eatin' their own soon; the next, I feel like as long as politics is a game, we're gonna lose...

Anonymous said...

Randwolfe: I'm not at all geared up to do with the House what we did with the Senate, if that's where the Patriot vote is coming next. (I haven't been tracking that one.) What info do you have on when, where, and how close that vote's going to be? Anything helps...

Anonymous said...


To be honest, I'm not happy. Anonymous, the top commenter, may well be right: Even if Democrats took back both houses of Congress and the Presidency in '06 and '08, there'd still be lots of work to do to make sure the conservatives and sellout in our own party didn't continue this administration's destructive policies.

But the neocons started in the early 60s -- really -- and had fits and starts even after 20 years. They got Reagan in, then lost to Clinton. They got Gingrich in, then he imploded. Finally they got Chimpy in, and they're finally having their way with the country and the world. For now.

So what heartens me isn't that there's a lot of good in the Alito nomination. It's that a TON of people, not just "activists", are starting to find a voice, and they first sounded it over Alito. I really do think we have a movement that will do a lot of good if we have stamina. But for now? Our nation is still suffering.

Can we hold both those truths at the same time without our brains hurting too much, or the sadness overwhelming the hope?

Thanks for being here!