Following up on my post about backcountry rescue costs: Now noted athlete and outdoorswoman Rosie O'Donnell sounds off about rescue costs, getting every single fact, as well as the overarching principle, wrong. Aaaargh. And personally, I'm not aware of any significant mountains where my skills would be useful in New Orleans, even though I'd love to go there.
Kudos to KATU for raising the right counterarguments.
UPDATE Dec. 23: A nice opinion piece in the Chicago Tribune also gets it right.
UPDATE Jan. 11, 2007: As does this Salon.com article, quoting my friend Steve Rollins.
She's an idiot. The point is that we volunteer for these things because we want to be there. You're right...I'm glad the author of the article makes it clear that the actual cost doesn't count the volunteers' time or the military assets.
Speaking of New Orleans, it's a bit hypocritical to use that as an example given that the US Gov't refused outside help. An Israeli relief/rescue NGO team almost got arrested when they snuck into the US to join the rescue effort there.
not to sound like a blowhard.. but people should be forced to take out insurance before doing a climb like this. It will make them think about the dangers involved if it hits them in the pocketbook. I was just amazed that all the men were veteran climbers, and they made such tragic choices.
I have nothing but respect for the people who volunteer to search.. they do it for all the right reasons. But they're also put gravely at risk while reaching out to help others, and they need to be protected.
*now fuzzy ducks as rotten tomatos are thrown her way*
But yes Big Rosies remarks were a bit harsh and it was an inappropriate way to phrase it given the time and place.
BTW - new reader, first time poster. Happy new year.
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